
Melissa Bowen, Dr. Mechelle Roberthon, and Keesha Buteau on KADN News 15 to discuss Summit at Sea

Brand State U Joins the Professional Development Landscape


 Keesha Buteau, Dr. Mechelle Roberthon, and Jaci Russo with more on GrowthX

 Keesha Buteau and Dr. Mechelle Roberthon with more on GrowthX

Meet Your Neighbor: Dr. Mechelle Roberthon on GrowthX Workshop

Jaci Russo with more on the  Growth X Workshop

Rob Kirkpatrick on BSU's Expansion and Growth X

Brand State U Offers Free Training with SBET Certification

How Jaci Russo Built an Entire Online School for Marketing Directors

Cruise and Network at Women's Summit at Sea

Acadiana Live: Women's Summit at Sea