Brand Messaging: What Message Will Connect?

Once you know your target audience, it’s important to know which messages will resonate to them. Your messaging should form an emotional connection.

Think about the last memorable conversation you had. I bet it wasn’t about the weather.

Our brains are hardwired to remember things tied to emotions. Countless studies have proven that strong emotions allow us to create our most vivid memories: they’re detailed and easily recalled, like the sweet smell of your grandmother’s chocolate chip cookies wafting out of the oven.

Ok, so you don’t bake cookies: how can you create that kind of connection, and incorporate it into your brand messaging? Or, more precisely, what message will connect?

Once you’ve got your Plan 2 Brand, you’re ready to break it down:

  • Empathize with them: And when you do so, show, don’t tell. Now that you know your market, you can take all the demographics, psychographics, and generational insight and distill it into what you know about what they need. Show that you understand them by addressing their pain. Don’t say “are you struggling?” Show them you know what that struggle is, how it impacts their lives, and how you have been there, too.
  • Form an emotional connection: The difference between an affinity and an attachment is an emotional connection. With an emotional connection, you can show how you fit into your customer’s lives, and they can feel good about the choice they make – you. You form an emotional connection by leaning into what makes you unique and delivering what you promised – every time.
  • Save the day: Here’s how your product or service comes in. You know the saying “remember why you started”? Apply that here. How does your product or service help your target audience? You want to be chosen, not settled for. Creating messaging that resonates ensures that your customers come back to get what only you can provide for them.

When you’re crafting your message to connect, remember how you want your customers to feel when they think of you, and for that feeling to be its own internal call to action to interact with your brand. If you’re ready to take your brand to the next level, sign up for Brand State U and enroll in the course, "Connection: What Message Will Connect with Your Audience?"

Categories: : Branding, Messaging, Target Audience